Short Guide to Greek Coffee For Health And Longevity


Ikaria is a Greek island where “people forget how to die” and live to 90 years of age more often than their counterparts in Europe. Their secret: boiling their coffee grounds and a healthy lifestyle!


Yes, it’s true according to researchers who studied the way of living among Ikarians who regularly eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, drink wine in moderation, get plenty of fresh air without pollution, and drink coffee which has been boiled rather than brewed.


Greek Boiling of Coffee for Health Improvements


Remember that it is the entire healthy lifestyle that offers more wonderful years of abundant energy and vibrant health for these people who inhabit an island where life is simple, sweet, and filled with family and friends who share the same values.


The method for making the coffee is relatively simple and has been employed in Ethiopia, Turkey, France, Scandinavian and other countries who also notice a reduction in the incidence of cardiovascular disease, longer lifespans, and general improvement in their health and attitude when they drink coffee boiled instead of brewed as most of the rest of the world makes their pots of coffee.


The coffee beans are ground finely and the water is added and then the mixture is brought to a boil. The coffee is often sweetened and this does not appear to change the way it benefits the Ikarians. The researchers feel that there is more cafestol that remains in boiled coffee when compared to levels in brewed coffee using a paper filter. The French Press and other methods used to filter out the grounds seem to keep the cafestol intact.


While the researchers remind people that one study is insufficient to draw sweeping conclusions about the nutritional value of boiled coffee, the study of 71 men and women over the age of 90 does suggest that there is a distinct advantage to drinking this type of coffee.


Greek Yogurt…step over and let Greek boiled coffee stand next to you in line with all of the fine whole foods which compliment a healthy lifestyle!


You can use any coffee beans to boil, since coffee plants do not grow in Greece and that is not in the research conclusions. Simply add pure water, grind your beans, and boil until perfect…then consume with confidence!


Cholesterol levels are modified when this boiling method is used and Ikarians do not suffer from issues related to this aspect of their health. The circulatory system and the endothelial cells are found to perform better when coffee is boiled and consumed regularly.


This is all good information, but remember that it is essential for you to purchase and boil the very best organic beans you can find.